Being productive is good but sometimes we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. I know because this for me is a daily challenge. ⠀⠀
To create positive change, we need to recognise the ways in which we give your power away so that we can change our life for the better.⠀⠀
Taking care of yourself you can really be present and give more of yourself to others so in a way it’s an altruistic act. ⠀⠀
Breath is the closest physical manifestation to spirit in the physical plane. ⠀
Breath is the silken, massive, potent, diaphanous bird radiant with Prana (life force).⠀
Prana is the heart of life force, more subtle than breath, Prana is stored in the energy centers or Chakras of the body while the breath is released. ⠀
With each breath, we intone with the universe.⠀
Breath teaches the mind lightness and flowing. The breath is a master teacher. It weaves the physical into the Etheric. Each breath is atonement. Each breath is a mantra. Each breath is the universe claiming its own.⠀
Breath to human life is the celestial music! Intimate genius. ⠀
Listen as you inhale. Celebrate as you exhale.⠀
To create positive change, we need to recognise the ways in which we give your power away so that we can change our life for the better.⠀
As a mom and freelancer I have to remind myself to take care of body and mind daily. Sometimes life gets busier and challenging and is easier to forget.⠀
Taking care of yourself you can really be present and give more of yourself to others so in a way it’s an altruistic act. ⠀
Promise me you will always take care of yourself first. You are your priority☀😘⠀
Sending you love⠀